Co-President/Current Board Member
Current or Most recent Profession & Role: Owner – Big Frog Custom T-Shirts & More; serving as co-President to the 622 Education Foundation
Your goals and aspirations: Continue to serve the community through our business and ongoing volunteerism.
Favorite 622 Education Foundation Event & Why? I love the STA2RS Banquet. Not only to see the achievements of the graduating Seniors, but to meet the teachers and mentors that helped them to succeed. It gives me continued hope in our future generations.
Why did you join the 622 Foundation? Our children went through 622 schools, and we live in the community. Volunteering on the 622 Education Foundation Board is a great way to give back and help our schools.
Hobbies/Interests: Boating (summer) Downhill Skiing (winter), and wine collecting all the time!