In 1998, the Angel Fund was created to assist students whose families are in financial need. Often, the educational opportunities for these children are challenging. The Foundation Board of Directors knows the importance of students participation fully in educational opportunities. 622 Education Foundation Angel Fund assists in leveling the playing field for all students.
The use of the money within the scope of the program is at the discretion of the Social Workers and Administration of the school social workers and administration. No student names or families are given to the Foundation; however, a list of ways in which the money is utilized along with receipts is required.
As the years have gone by, the need has grown and the contribution from community members are recognized and appreciated. As our society is in constant change, funding is needed to support the education of our students.
Below is how the Angel Fund dollars have been used:
- Medical (physical exams, medications, eye exams and glasses)
- School supplies including backpacks, notebooks, calculators, writing material, etc.
- School breakfast and lunches for students, that did not have food for the day/week.
- Clothing for students in the form of winter jackets, mittens, boots along with shirts and pants for students to enable them to attend school.
- Birth Certificates for children so they can attend and participate in school.
- The Angel Fund also supports families so students can attend school. Ways the Foundation has supported families has included Cub Foods gift cards for food, clothing for the child to attend family funerals, transportation for the parent to attend conferences or school functions with their child.
Donations and memorials are encouraged and welcomed. Any gifts to the Angel Fund are tax deductible.